Myrtle, A Seven Year Old Sulcata
Tortoise Myrtle was a Sulcata tortoise that came to me in February
of 2008. He was in awful shape. His owner had brought him to a
vet who was keeping and treating him for Metabolic Bone Disease
(MBD) with daily injections of calcium and vitamin A. At the
point that I received Myrtle he had already received four such
injections out of the course the vet wanted to continue of two
weeks. Myrtle was on a diet of spring mix and carrots. Any vet
who knows a bit about nutrition would know carrots and even
spring mix have a good amount of vitamin A so there was no
deficiency, and would also know that injecting vitamin A can
cause Hypervitaminosis A which would lead to a whole different
set of problems for Myrtle. Luckily the owner got him from the
vet and as she had planned to surrender him at the end of his
treatment, surrendered him after getting him from the vet.
Upon receiving Myrtle he munched on a few greens but not with the
usual gusto that a Sulcata does. He was not able to walk which
the vet thought was from the MBD, and which I also thought as
well, until several weeks went by and Myrtle really wasn’t
eating much, but worse, there was no poop either. I had been
continuing daily soaks to keep him hydrated, but it’s really odd
to not have any poop and no appetite for a Sulcata. I contacted
the owner to find out when was the last time he ate well and was
told banana, but he vomited. That’s when bells went off and I
realized this tortoise was not walking because of an impaction,
not because of the MBD as first thought. So off to the vet for
an x-ray for confirmation, and sure enough, a blockage in his
intestines. My next question was what substrate was the
tortoise kept on and how often was he soaked. At the advice of
the vet he was kept on aspen bedding. He was soaked maybe once a
week but no water bowl for self soaking was provided. In my
opinion aspen is way to dry for Sulcata to be kept on and since
Sulcata are known to eat everything in sight it is very likely
they are going to eat it. For five months, from March through
July I tried everything I could think of and my vet helped with
all he could think of to get Myrtle to poop. He was tube fed
that whole time because he ate very, very little if anything at
all and our hope was that if we could get food in it would get
things moving, and of course we added things to help get the
blockage moving. He was also given enemas to try to help things
When that first bit of very wet poop first appeared that early
morning in July I could not have been happier. Little by little
I’d see a little more each day and Myrtle began to eat a bit on
his own and then one day at the beginning of August he pooped a
real Sulcata poop. Friends told me I should have taken a photo
of that poop and I sure should have since I waiting six months
for that one. Of course rather than take a picture I took it
apart to see what was in that mass of black tar like poop. Sure
looked like shavings to me so my conclusion was a mass of aspen
bedding caused that blockage. Being as he was not kept well
hydrated and not fed a high fiber diet that mass just built up
and sat there causing that blockage. That poor tortoise suffered
for over six months. He was not given proper care for the seven
years of his life which was obvious by the condition of his
shell. I know he was loved by his owners but they were given
poor information and the tortoise suffered because of it.
Every morning while Myrtle was here I dreaded looking in on
him for fear he would be gone. I really had my doubts as to
whether or not he would survive or not, he was that bad, that
weak. When he finally came around and began to eat and walk
around it was such a joy to see him acting like a Sulcata
should. I was thrilled to share with his previous owner that
Myrtle had recovered and was well enough to be adopted to his
new home in Louisiana.
On August 18th 2008 I shipped Myrtle via DHL to his new home. He
arrived save and sound. His new owner called to tell me he was
outside checking things out and doing well, grazing in the
sunshine. I got a follow up email a few days later that he was
continuing to do well, getting around, slowly as he did, but
getting around.
On Sept. 1st, 2008 I received a most distressful email from his
new owner. Myrtle has passed in his sleep during the night. I
was shocked, beyond words. Devastated. This was a tortoise that
one could not help but get attached to. He won my heart and to
get that news was so upsetting, it was like hearing I lost a
loved one. I am not usually one to get all emotional, but
Myrtle sure has a place in my heart and I will never, ever
forget that wonder tortoise with such a strong will to survive.
I wish I knew what went wrong and why he suddenly died like he did
but I don’t have the answer. I know his little body was terribly
compromised because of the condition he was in and the health
issues he battled with the impaction, but I really thought he
was going to make it with his strong will. He just never seemed
to give up. He will be greatly missed.
RIP Myrtle.