Kiwi the Yellowfoot tortoise

Kiwi is a Yellowfoot tortoise, barely more than a
hatchling when he was brought in. His owner had brought him to a vet
because he appeared to be sick and wasn't eating well. The vet was not
familiar with tortoises, but rather than seek help from someone that was
or tell the client to go to a qualified vet he referred to his old book
which implied that a Vitamin A injection is the cure all for whatever
ails a turtle. That shot nearly killed little Kiwi. He came in
lethargic, eyes swollen shut, pale skinned. The following day his skin
began to peel. So much skin peeled off it appeared to be transparent and
was a gray color. He was lucky enough that it didn't peel right to the
bone. Kiwi was given several months of intensive care and was lucky to
survive the overdose of Vitamin A. He has since gone to an adoptive home
in California.