In New York State (as in many other states, check your local laws)
it is illegal to possess most of the native turtles without a
'License to Possess'. It is not okay to take a Box turtle out of the
wild and keep it for a pet even if you let it roam in your back
yard. It is not okay to take a Box turtle from one area and release
it to another area. They have a homing instinct and will try to get
back to the area where you found it, crossing roads and putting
itself in harms way, trying to get there. If you find a Box turtle,
or any other native turtle, and it is not injured, leave it where
you found it. If it is in a dangerous area move it out of the area
to the closest wooded area in the direction it appears to be
heading. If found trying to cross a road, put it in the direction it
is heading. If it's a water turtle, leave it near the water, it will
return to the water on it's own. If you're not sure if it's native
or not, contact us, send us a photo, we'll help you ID it and do the
right thing.
If you find a hatchling turtle, do not assume it needs to be
rescued. It doesn't. It needs to be left alone. Turtles have
survived despite human intervention for millions of years, let them
continue to do so. It does them more harm to take them into
captivity than to let them live the free life in the wild they were
meant to live. Look at Scooter: He was 'rescued'
as a hatchling and kept as a pet. Never able to be released to the
wild again and deformed beyond repair as the result of improper
care. Don't let this happen to another hatchling. Leave them in the
wild. Many think but it's just one turtle. But just one turtle has
the potential to help reproduce and bring hundreds of new baby
turtles into the world. When kept as a pet it has no chance to bring
any offspring into the world.
New York state has several native turtles, but no native tortoises.
Tortoises are land dwellers. All of the turtles in New York live in
or around water areas. Box turtles although they don't live in
water, they do like to wallow in the water and need moist habitat to
It is also against NYS laws to import Eastern Box turtles from other
states and keep them as pets. It is feared they will be released to
the wild and spread pathogens harming the native turtles. So please
do not buy box turtles and release them to the wild.
To view the laws of NYS visit the DEC website here:
Basically, leave NY's native turtles in the wild. If you want a
turtle for a pet, go to a reputable breeder and buy a Captive Bred
(CB) turtle or tortoise, or better yet, go to our
Application and fill out and submit the form to help a turtle or
tortoise that needs a home.
NYS turtles:
Blandings Turtle Emydoidea blandingii
Eastern Box Turtle Terrapene carolina carolina (Special
Snapping Turtle Chelydra serpentina
Bog Turtle Glyptemys muhlenbergii
Eastern Painted Turtle Chrysemys picta picta
Wood Turtle Glyptemys insculpta (Special
Diamondback Terrapin Malaclemys terrapin terrapin
Spotted Turtle Clemmys gutatta (Special
Common MapTurtle Graptemys geographica
Common Musk Turtle Sternotherus odoratus
Eastern Mud Turtle Kinosternon subrubrum subrubrum (Endangered)
Spiny Softshell Turtle Apalone spinifer spinifer
(Special Concern)
see picture of all New York turtles, please visit:
The Turtles of New York State Brochure
New York State Has
Established A Tip Hot line. If you see something related to wildlife that you
think is illegal (Sale of any reptile or amphibian species native to New York
State for any purpose food, pets, whatever) or turtles under four inches on
street corners, etc., call them. 1-800-847-7332 this line is open 24/7.